Sunday, November 9, 2014

the gospel is not an umbrella.

Today in a church meeting a leader was speaking on trials and (if I heard it correctly) he said, "The gospel is a not an umbrella - it is a rock." (Elder Scott Runyan I believe).

Often times we think that because of righteous living or because we're a "good person" we should be exempt from the storms of life. Some think if God is benevolent and loving, why would he ever let us go through hell?

Living the gospel does not protect us from storms of life - but it does give us the Rock of our Redeemer to hold onto. We have a solid foundation and we are not swept away by the winds, rains, or floods.

The Lord had big plans for the Jaredites - to bring them to a new, beautiful, promised land. The Lord impelled them through the winds across the ocean, but this didn't exempt them from storms. They were even swallowed up in the depths of the ocean (a natural side affect of the wind on the waters) and had to petition the Lord to bring them back to the surface so they wouldn't suffocate. The Lord always delivered them. And eventually they arrived at the promised land.

The gospel brings us true happiness. It doesn't exempt us from trials - but it does give us strength through Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and Enabler of the world.

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