Sunday, December 21, 2014

Part II: The Answer Will Come.

Part II:The Answer Will Come

Perhaps now more than ever (at least in our lifetime) there is discussion inside the church about different doctrines, policies, and traditions. I will not try to define the differences between those or categorize any of our current practices. This connectedness of the Church and its members leads to a lot of conversations – some edifying and enlightening and some divisive and damaging (how we approach these discussions largely determines which camp our conversations fall into). And there are many members who struggle to reconcile their personal feelings with the Church's current practices.

In our LDS temple ordinances there is lots of symbolism. Symbolism is awesome, but not the focus of this post. Part of the temple ordinances is a progression of gaining light and knowledge. We learn things that are dependent on the things before them, progressively growing - symbolically and literally - closer to the presence of God. But there is a part where it basically says, you won't learn this one piece right now, but you will learn it at the end (and you do).

A lot of those struggling to reconcile their personal feelings or beliefs with the Church's current practices are unable to receive the kind of answers they need. They may have received a peace about it in the past, but it can be difficult to rely solely on that peace without a full “explanation.”

To you, and anyone struggling with any kind of question about Church practices, Church History, etc – I would say “you will get your answer at the end.” I do not feel that God intends for us to understand everything right now. As much as we'd like him to send us an e-mail explaining in detail the why, what, and how of everything, God wants to give us an opportunity to develop and rely on faith in Him, His timing, and His will. When we face trials or doubt we have two options: hold tight to God, or turn away from him.

I know you've probably heard it a thousand times – have faith, it'll work out, blah blah – but it's true! God wants us to have to trust him, even when we don't have the full picture; to push aside our pride, develop humility, and focus on what we do know instead of what we don't. He knows that not giving us all the answers will give us an opportunity to turn to Him more often and with more fervor than if we were given everything whenever we wanted it. You can argue that my logic is flawed – but my point is, “hold to the truths you do know; it may not be until the resurrection that you get the answer and explanation you've been searching for – but it will come.” In the meantime God is giving you a chance to exercise faith, trust Him, and follow His prophets.

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